Going into English 271 for the first time, i wasn't really sure what to expect, i didn't even know what expository writing was. I originally did have some background information, and ratemyproffesor.com, so i kind of had an idea of what the teacher would be like, which was the reason i chose to enroll in the class. I was excited to find out that it wouldn't some other boring typical English class, where i'd want to claw my eyes out and beg for it to be over. The whole idea of having a blog and doing assignments online was interesting, even though i had never had one, the idea enticed me. This class really taught me on how to present information and not including much or any bias.
This was the first blog post that i have ever done, and it was a struggle at first for me to grasp the concept of the whole thing. I was supposed to read a Wikipedia and do my best to summarize and rewrite it. This was by far the worst post I did for this class, but it still helped me understand what it was the teacher was looking for.
This was the post about how we had to rewrite the news, and I thought that this taught me a lot. It taught me on how to take a news article, break it down and make it a greater piece of writing overall. I decided to write on the effects of psychedelic mushrooms and how they impact someone’s future. I chose the article because I thought it sounded interesting and something that no one else would actually write about. This taught me on how to focus my writing and choose the right information to keep, and throw away anything unnecessary.
This was when we had to write about the effects of integrating voice in a piece of writing and seeing if voice helps or creates problems in your paper. This post was very helpful to me in getting a better understanding of how style and audience greatly impact the overall paper. I decided to write about the newly release movie, Paranormal Activity 3 and how my experience with that movie made me feel. I learned to choose my words wisely, choose my effected audience, and write the most effective way I can.
This was just a revision of the previous post that I had finished earlier, about integrating voice in an expository piece of writing. I had decided to keep the voice in my post because I thought it would be more effective because it gave the audience a better understanding of the fear I felt while watching that movie. If I were to write it without including my voice in it, it wouldn’t have the same effect and probably wouldn’t have been as successful.
The extended definition essay was when we had to define a certain concept, without it being too complicated or complex. For instance, I remember that love, which had so many definitions and meanings to different people that it’d be impossible to write an effective piece of writing with only 750 words. So I thought about using the word family, which I thought could be identified easier than other concepts while still being capable of writing effective in 750 words. I thought more in terms of American families, and how they can be defined. I learned on how to pick important information and how to write it efficiently.
POST #6/7
These posts were on the process-analysis assignment in which we had to write a step by step process on how something occurred, or how something is done. I chose to write on how to sell something and make a post using Craigslist.org. I thought I wrote a pretty effective procedure, I did a step by step process on how it happens. This taught me on how to effectively decide which steps are worth putting in, and how important detail is. For the post #7, it was just the revision of post #6 and I fixed mostly grammatical errors and some organization issues I had.
POST #8/9
The last couple blogs that I had to do dealt with classification, and how things are sub-categorized into different categories. I decided on the transformation of the phone and how it’s changed over time. I decided to first write about the common household phone, than the transition to the cell phone, and finally the invention of the Smartphone. My revision to this post was focused more on the structure and organization to make it a more effective way of writing. I also changed some aspects and tried to narrow my topic to make it more focused.
Overall, I had a great time in this class and really enjoyed it. I learned a lot about expository writing and how to implicitly and rhetorically write an effective piece of writing. Even without having a college class, I may consider the idea of stating my own personal blog, just for fun. I would never have been able to do that if I hadn’t learned what I did in this class.