First and foremost you need to have an idea you wish to sell. Pretty much anything can be sold on craigslist, but how fast things are sold varies on the item itself. When you’ve decided what it is that you’re trying to sell, go to the craigslist website at and choose the region that you’re currently located in. After clicking on your country, state, and general area, it’s time to make a post.
If you look on the upper left hand side of the website, you should come across a button that reads “post” on it, click on it and you will be transferred to a page that asks for the kind of post you wish to create. Click on the “For Sale” button which will again bring you to a list of categories that you can select from. Look at your item and decide what category you feel is best suited for it, usually people trying to buy the item your selling will look in the category you put it in. Next you will be asked again what region you live nearest too. For example, if I were to live in Bellevue, I would click on the eastside, letting buyers know my general area of making deals. After this is all said and done, it’s time to actually create and design your post!
You will be taken to a page where you can design the general outlook of your post, though generally most posts like very similar. The first question will ask you what title you what your post to have. Choosing a good title is the key to success when it comes to craigslist. Most buyers usually scroll down long lists of titles, and if yours isn’t something worth looking at, your post will just be passed and never looked at again. So choose a snazzy title that will capture any alluring eyes searching thru craigslist, make it sound like people are getting an amazing deal. Next comes the price of your item, one rule is to aim somewhat high. Don’t make your item extremely expensive as it will ward off potential buyers. Usually people on craigslist love to bargain or hassle you to lower the price on an item, so keep that in mind when deciding, you can also drop it. Next comes picking a specific location such as a city, this can also help support your post if you live in a more populated urban environment. Afterwards you have to put down an email address. Note that the email address has to work in order to create the ad because you need to confirm it via email. The section after is the description of the item(s) that are for sale, it is important to remember details such as how old the item is, how long you’ve had the item, why you’re selling, and if anything is wrong with it. You can also state whether or not you’re willing to bargain or be willing to accept a trade if two items have similar value. You can decide whether or not you want to enter your phone number, or have people just email you. I have found through experience that leaving a number will result in a faster sale. There is an option to put up a photo or two of the item, and it is recommended that you post some so viewers have an idea of the condition the item is in. Now your post is almost complete, click continue below to go to the next page, which will ask if you wish to edit anything. If you’re satisfied with the post click continue again.
Craigslist just sent an email to the address you entered in when creating the ad, you need to sign into your email account. Open the email and click on the link that’s in the body of the message. It will relocate you to a page that states the terms of use. Now you can wish to read all of the rules on conduct, but most people just go ahead and click accept anyways. Then, a question pops up asking what is being asked in the box above, just write down whatever is written. This is more to stop automated programs from creating posts over and over again. Congratulations! Your post is now visible for all to see. These are the quick and easy ways to sell an item on craigslist, there are also many other types of posts you can choose to publish as well if you want also. The steps are pretty much identical except for the categories.
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